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America > Greenland > Nuuk: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 6 °C
min. -1 °C

Wind: 7 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 6 mm
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Data updated at 13:05 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Light Rain 6 °C / Light Rain

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When to go to Nuuk? (Greenland)

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What to do in Nuuk : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

NuukCapital of Greenland, Nuuk has 17 000 inhabitants. Located on the west coast, it is only 240 km from the Arctic Circle, and during the summer is light 24 hours 24. A quarter of Greenland's population lives in Nuuk and Inuit make up the bulk of population, although the Danes are increasingly present. What to see in Nuuk? First, it is important to note that the scenery is total for most visitors: even if the appearance of the city is not very different from ours, huge areas are virtually uninhabited area, and the roads out the city impassable. The well-developed port has contributed to Nuuk an important trading place, and fishing is the main activity of the population. Tourism is just beginning to develop, but life is expensive because most goods are imported. To see: the art museum which occupies a prominent place in the cultural life of the country, as it reflects the history of Greenland, dating back to 4200 years, and the daily life of the Inuit, and canned Furthermore eight mummies from the 15th century and very well preserved; the statue of Hans Egede, a Norwegian missionary who evangelized the populations in the 18th century; the daily market where meat and fish Braedet are sold on simple stalls much cheaper than in traditional shops. Near the town you can also observe the humpback whales playing in the fjord, or reindeer in the surrounding plains. Moreover, the tourist office will offer many excursions to discover the close nature a fascinating environment that you will not soon forget!


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